Friday, May 24, 2013

April, 21, 2013

An experience shared by Kate Mackay

I had to stay home from church because Addi and Jenn were sick so I was helping Rich and Dell get dressed and out of the house.

Rich was struggling after his shower; shaky, out of energy, pale, the usual fibro effects. I made him a quick lunch and put it on the bed next to him. I asked if he wanted me to offer a prayer. He said yes.

I started and thanked Him and asked for the usual things but then things changed during the prayer. With everything inside of me I desperately wanted Richard to be healed. No more pain. No more fibro issues. No more suffering. I wanted desperately for him to be able to work outside the home so I could selfishly stay home with my girls. I so wanted to ask for all of this. In my mind I was, I was begging for it all. I started to cry for it all. But the words, “please allow Richard the strength, energy, and relief to get through church until he can come home.” Those were for sure not my words or my thoughts.

So where did they come from? I was an emotional wreck for the rest of the day/ For the first time in my life I felt constrained to pray for the thing I so deeply wanted. I felt as though Heavenly Father would not allow those words to come out of my mouth.

I talked to Richard briefly about it. I asked if that was what a priesthood blessing felt like. You want to say something or heal someone so desperately but the Lord has another plan and we have to accept that the things we want to ask for may not be the best things. Certain thoughts and feelings are restrained so the Lord can bless us fully, in His time and in His way.

I felt like today for the first time I wasn’t just talking to Heavenly Father, but that we were communicating and I was submissive to His will. Not just accepting, but submissive. It hurt. But the tender mercies from the Lord enveloped me. I felt the tenderness of “Abba” today. My husband and daughter got home safely and the fibro attack did not last long. He is not free from suffering, but he will make it. He was promised to be healed one day. We just have to hold on to that.


Friday, May 17, 2013

Shawn - A Poem for your birthday

Happy birthday Shawn, you're a wonderful husband & Dad,
Having you in our family makes us oh so glad!

Take good care of our daughter, and our precious grandson too,
for inspiration, love, and guidance; they both look up to you.

May your year be filled with much happiness and love,
and may you always acknowledge your rich blessings from Above!

Happy Birthday,
Love Dad (Brown)
December 2012

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What we wish for you to know

There are lots of things going on in the world around us. Some of these things are good and some of them are bad. Media is everywhere and often focuses on the negative choosing not to report the good. There are many reasons for that, one of them being ratings. What the world views as acceptable is changing. Those with moral standards are persecuted and told that they are being small minded and labeled as intolerant and hateful.

It is amidst all of this tumult that your mom and I decided we wanted to be able to write down for you what we wish for you to know. Some of our thoughts will be more spiritual in nature. Other thoughts will be silly. We might even have some wisdom to share that we have gained through experiences of our own. Sometimes these thoughts might be driven by what is going on in the world around us at the time. Ultimately, we are writing things we wish for you to know that you may learn from us and avoid dangers along the path of life. We want you to be happy and to know we love you deeply. Nothing you can do will ever change that fact. You are ours. You can always turn to us or these words when you are in need of comfort, peace or direction.

It is with this in mind that we begin this blog.